Updated 29th August 2024
MASS TIMES Sunday Masses: 8.00am, 9.30am, 11.00am and 1pm (Polish) 2nd Sunday 2.30pm Ukrainian Mass 3rd Sunday 2.30pm Malaylam Mass 4th Saturday 3.00pm Filipino (Tagalog) Mass 7pm Ukrainian Mass 4th Sunday 2.30pm Nigerian Chaplaincy Mass Morning Prayer Mon-Fri 9.15am Monday to Friday: 9.30am Mass Saturday Morning: 11.00am Mass Saturday Morning: Confessions: 9.30am to 10.45am with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Saturday
Evening: 5.00pm Vigil Mass for Sunday Holy Days of Obligation: Mass at 9.30am, 12.00noon & 6pm Bank Holidays Mass at 10am
Please see here for other Services and here for our Newsletter. | Welcome to the website of St Lawrence's Parish. We hope that the information contained here will give you a flavour of the variety and richness of our parish life. Our church is known to be a place of welcome, opening wide our doors to the community around us, embracing people of all ages, backgrounds and nationalities. No-one is a stranger here. In a little way we hope that our welcome is a reflection of the love of our welcoming God. St Lawrence’s is here for you. Please contact us at any time if there is anything we can do for you. Like our Patron Saint, Lawrence, our purpose is to serve. Fr John Byrne The Rosary will be recited every Monday and Friday after the 9.30 am Mass Fr John's Farewell Mass will take place at 11.00am on Sunday 8th September followed by a get together in the Parish Centre ST LAWRENCE'S SCHOOL - PARKING AND ACCESS
The Diocese and DHP start work at the school on 26th April to improve the classrooms. The work will be carried out in three continuous phases. The contractor will have a compound by the gates to the church/school. The gates will not be opened for access to Church from 29th April until September. The school car park will also be closed during this period as the workmen will be working at weekends. The Church car park is for disabled drivers with a valid blue badge and for drop off only. EVENTS AROUND THE DIOCESEApplications are now open for First Holy Communion for those in Year 3 or above in September and attending a Catholic School. Walk with Jesus for those in Year 2 and above in September attending a non-Catholic school. Closing Date 8 September 2024 Confirmation Registrations are open Please email Cathy Early cathythecatechist@outlook.com RESPONSES TO SYNODAL QUESTIONNAIRE YOUR PARISH SCHOOL NEEDS YOUR HELP St Lawrence Catholic Primary School, our Parish School, is in urgent need of new Foundation Governors. We would ideally like members who are experienced in (but not limited to!) finance, facilities, education and Fund Raising - however, any skills that YOU have would be a great help for the school. Fund Raising is extremely important to us as we need to raise our contribution
of £140,000 towards the new 'El-Camino' teaching block. As we are a voluntary
aided school, The Parish Community and Governors are required to pay 10% of all
costs towards any Capital Project in the School. A Foundation Governor is appointed in the name of the Archbishop of Westminster
at the recommendation of either the Headteacher or the Chair of Governors, and
their responsibility is to preserve theCatholic character of the school.Governors will need to be able to attend a meeting
of the Governing Board every Half-Term andserve on either the Resources Committee or Curriculum Committee once
every Term. Should you be interested or need more information please contact
the School Office on 020 8890 3878 or email: office@st-lawrence.hounslow.sch.uk Masses are also available on line at www.churchservices.tv/ CONTACTLESS GIVING We have recently joined a number of other parishes around the diocese to install a new contactless way of making donations and offertory at our parish. The devices can be found on the way out of church and is a quick and safe way to donate money to the church using contactless debit cards. This device can be used for donations and offertory, donations to the Parish Centre Fund, Catechetics, payment for Repository purchases and payment for Mass Offerings. It's easy to use; just select how much you would like to donate and gently place your debit card on the card reader. It's secure and goes directly into the parish bank account. You can also make donations and contributions using standing orders. DONATE TO OUR PARISH Click on the link below to make contributions to the church. https://portal.mydona.com/assets/webPay/index.php?cid=262 or HSBC Bank: Account name: WRCDT Feltham Sort Code: 40-04-20 Account No: 71095528 Please use your name and surname as a reference and if space allows what the donation is for i.e. offertory, parish centre, etc |