If you, or someone you know, would benefit from any of these services please contact the Parish Office. And if you can offer to help in any way, the Parish Office would be delighted to hear from you.
Transport Group
Our parish has a group of volunteers who can offer lifts to church each week for Sunday Mass, and helpers who are willing to transport the elderly to the shops when needed.
Visiting the Sick and Housebound
Visiting the sick and elderly is a growing ministry within our parish. Residents in local residential homes and a sheltered accommodation unit are visited on a weekly basis, and there are informal social calls on those who are housebound. Additionally, volunteer Ministers of Holy Communion bring the Eucharist to those who are unable to come to church.
Going into hospital
People who are admitted to hospital might welcome a parish visitor, either to bring Holy Communion or for a social visit. Hospital staff are not permitted to pass admission information on religion to the Hospital Chaplaincy without ‘explicit consent’. So if you, or someone you know, would welcome a visit from the Chaplain, please make sure you tell the staff.
Bereavement Support Group
Our parish has a group of trained bereavement visitors who offer a Listening Service to those who have lost a loved one. A member of our group will visit a bereaved person in their own home, on a regular basis, to offer support.
St Lawrence’s Parish is a very diverse community with parishioners from almost every country in the world. We can probably find someone to translate or interpret for you, if you need help. And if you have language skills which you would be willing to share for the benefit of other parishioners, we would love to hear from you.