Liturgical Ministries

To find out more about any of these opportunities, please contact the parish office.

Each weekend our volunteers ensure that people are made welcome when they come to Mass. They greet people and hand out books and newsletters; show people to available seats; help with the collections and the Offertory Procession; and tidy away books and leaflets after Mass.

Our Altar Servers help the celebrant by assisting at weekend Masses, and young parishioners who have made their First Holy Communion are invited to join our parish team. Training is provided for new volunteers, and there are occasional ‘refresher sessions’ for all our Servers.

Parish Readers have the responsibility of presenting the Word of God reverently and clearly at Sunday and weekday Masses. They also lead the congregation in the weekend Bidding Prayers. Volunteers are offered training and guidance to help them in their work and an opportunity to participate in a special Day of Renewal every year.

Ministers of Communion are responsible for assisting with the distribution of Holy Communion at Sunday and weekday Masses. Some also volunteer to take Holy Communion to the sick and housebound. Those selected for this Ministry receive training and attend an annual Day of Recollection.

Our parish is fortunate to have enthusiastic singers and instrumentalists who enhance our worship at the 9.30 am and 11.00 am Sunday Masses. The choirs lead the congregations in hymns, acclamations and responses each weekend. Both groups hold regular practice sessions, and welcome new members.