Sacramental Preparation

Our Baptism is the beginning of our life of faith, the beginning of getting to know and understand what being loved by God means. Baptism is God’s token to us of his great love. Our faith carries us forward to the Sacraments, but when we are babies it is the faith of our parents which brings us to the Sacrament of Baptism.
Often people don’t bother so much about the practice of their faith when they leave home and get married. For such Christians, the birth of a baby and the questions of Baptism provide a focus for a new beginning.
Parents presenting babies for baptism at St Lawrence’s are required to attend a Baptism preparation course. If you have a child for Baptism, please contact Florie in the Parish Office.

Preparing to receive Reconciliation and the Eucharist for the first time can be one of the most memorable experiences parents share with their children. There is no fixed age when children receive these Sacraments: parents assess when they feel their child is ready. It is important that the family attend Mass every weekend so that the child will understand more fully what the Eucharist is about.

Families who regularly worship at St Lawrence’s are invited to enrol their children for the parish preparation for Reconciliation/Eucharist in June when they are in Year 3 or above. Parents play a major part in the preparation, which starts in September, and are guided through it with the help of monthly parents’ meetings, guide books and children’s workbooks. Catechists also lead the children in group activities once a month. When the children have worked on their particular chapter at home, they bring their books to Mass for the monthly Eucharistic Celebration and present them at the Offertory. The parish prays for these children throughout their sacramental preparation.

Children receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation in Advent. They receive the Eucharist for the first time in springtime, in small groups at the Mass they regularly attend. Once all children have received the Eucharist there is a Thanksgiving Mass and a party.

Confirmation is a continuance of what has begun at our Baptism: a continuance of the developing awareness of the reality of faith and the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. At our Baptism faith was conceived: we became part of Christ’s Body, part of his Church. Our Confirmation is the gentle unfolding of what our Baptism means.

Young people in Year 9 or above who regularly attend Church and celebrate the Sunday Eucharist at St Lawrence’s can enrol on our Confirmation programme. Enrolment takes place in the autumn and the Sacrament is celebrated after Easter. The programme includes discussions led by catechists, guest speakers, a Day of Recollection and visit to Westminster Cathedral for a guided tour of the ‘Mother Church’. Confirmation programme details are published in our parish newsletter.  

For any couple the decision to marry is a life-changing step. The Sacrament of Matrimony blesses their union and brings the gift of the Holy Spirit, and this grace is a support throughout their lives, in times of joy and times of trial. Couples planning to marry should make an appointment to see Fr Mike Maguire at least six months before the proposed wedding date, as a great deal of administration must be completed before a Catholic marriage can take place. They will also attend a course on Marriage Preparation, led by married parishioners. This focuses on their relationship and their hopes, gives an understanding of the Sacrament of Matrimony and a deeper awareness of their future, life-long, commitment.

The RCIA is a course for those who wish to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist as adults, and become full members of the Catholic Church. They may have been baptised in the Catholic faith as an infant, baptised in another Christian church, or new to the faith. There are no special requirements for candidates and all are very welcome.

Our parish RCIA programme starts in September. Candidates explore the elements of the Catholic faith in their weekly meetings and prepare to receive the Sacraments of Initiation at Easter. The programme includes a service of enrolment at Westminster Cathedral for all the candidates from the Diocese of Westminster. A Mass of Thanksgiving, also at the Cathedral, concludes the celebrations.Please speak to Fr Mike Maguire, Fr Andrew Batare or Deacon Colin Macken or Deacon Rolly Leon if you have any questions about receiving the Sacraments as an adult, or if you would like to know more about the Catholic faith.

Fr Mike Maguire or Fr Andrew Batare will always try to visit in an emergency. If you or someone you know would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick please contact the parish office.

Our comprehensive parish programme of sacramental preparation is only possible through the hard work of our devoted team of catechists. They work behind the scenes at our preparation classes, assist with the Liturgy for Children at Sunday Masses and help at our Sunday School for children in non-Catholic schools.

Our parish runs:
The parish RCIA programme, for adult candidates for the Sacraments of Initiation
Classes for children preparing for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
Group meetings for young teens as they prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation
Marriage preparation courses for couples prior to the Sacrament of Matrimony
A preparation class for parents when they present their baby for Baptism